LearnPress Stripe Checkout Payment Gateway

  • by Amando Abreu
  • on 28 January 2023

Process LearnPress payments with Stripe Checkout with this WordPress plugin.

After activating the plugin you get the “Stripe” option in LearnPress payment settings.

Fill in your settings (guide on how to get API keys from Stripe, here: https://stripe.com/docs/keys

Custom order success & order cancelled pages to give you more control over user flow.

Once enabled, the Stripe optiob shows up under paypal.

And when the user selects it, the Stripe Checkout procedure starts.

CHeck it out on Gumroad

About the author

Amando Abreu is a serial entrepreneur, Fractional CTO, and engineer who has been involved in several startups and launched dozens of products. He has worked with companies such as trivago, Portugal Telecom, and Vizrt. He has experience in several industries, most notably e-commerce, SaaS, media, travel, insurance, property development, and construction.